May was another very busy month for the residents, the month’s theme was “spring fever”. Due to some better weather, residents had the opportunity to get out and about in our beautiful gardens. They were out doing various activities whilst enjoying the wonderful array of spring flowers as well as preparing the raised vegetable plot ready for planting. Here are in more detail some of the other things our residents have also been up to throughout the month.

On Friday 5th May residents from all three of our homes took a trip out to Badshot Lea garden centre. It was a really lovely morning out with residents taking in the wonderful range of interesting and varying displays that Badshot has to offer. After visiting the vast amount of Koi carp on display, residents were particularly fascinated by a pink flamingo display they found when walking around the flower section. They thought the display was absolutely wonderful and really liked how striking it was with its vibrant pink colours. The morning ended with a well-earned cup of tea, coffee and biscuits in the café.

Our monthly ‘Singing for the Brain’ session was held at Hill House on Wednesday 10th May. Barbara Raynor as always held a fabulous afternoon session with lots of well-known tunes to move and sing along to. The residents always really enjoy singing for the brain and it always brings so many smiles. We finished the afternoon with tea, coffee and some wonderful cakes.

It was a trip out for tea and coffee in Fleet on Friday 12th May with residents from all three homes trying out a new café. Residents enjoyed a delightful relaxed morning in café Amici where they were served tea, coffee and the most fabulous piece of cake whilst taking the time to have a good catch up with the other residents.


Residents from all three homes met for drinks at Redfields Garden Centre on Friday 19th May. Woodlands residents took a relaxed stroll around the garden centre and especially liked the pretty and very colourful display of flower baskets and tubs now well in bloom. It was then time to relax in the café with tea, coffee and one or two chocolate biscuits.

It was a beautiful and very sunny afternoon on Thursday 25th May, where Matilda and Sammy, two wonderful ponies paid the residents a visit. Residents had the chance to meet the pair face to face, and enjoyed petting, stroking and feeding them whilst out in the garden enjoying the fresh air. Visiting children also got the chance to have a ride on the ponies around the garden, much to the delight of the residents. The ponies also made a special visit indoors to ensure none of the residents missed the opportunity to take part in their visit. It was a great afternoon and a real experience to be up so close and personal with two beautiful ponies.


On Friday 26th May it was a beautiful sunny morning and just perfect for sitting in the gardens of the Wyvern was. Residents from all three homes had a wonderful morning, relaxing, chatting and enjoying the sunshine over a cool drink, tea and coffee. The residents loved being able to sit outside, one resident said it felt like she was on holiday. It was the perfect morning out with residents, arriving back in time for their fish and chip lunch.