Woodlands residents enjoyed an action-packed Christmas programme running alongside their normal activities programme.
December started with the residents decorating our beautiful Christmas Tree.


That having set the Christmas spirit, Fleet Lions very kindly invited our residents to lovely afternoon tea and a few days later their Christmas Concert at Elvetham Church on the Heath with an excellent programme that was enjoyed by all.


Residents enjoyed a Christmas trip to Redfield to enjoy the Christmas decorations and Christmas goods. Guess who Jean saw? Yes, you’ve guessed Father Christmas!


We were very fortunate to have Rev Haydon visit us a few times in December. The residents enjoyed a Christmas Service with Holy Communion, had great fun making Christingles for the Christingle Service and Haydon’s Tea Party, a very popular event at Woodlands. Thank you, Haydon!



Residents were treated to carols sung by the Kings Singers and lucky enough to have both the Crondall Bell Ringers and Christchurch Bell Ringers to ring in Christmas.

Next off to Robert May’s Christmas Tea Dance. A very popular fun filled afternoon. The residents really enjoy the dancing and food. The pupils of Robert Mays School really look after them. A lovely afternoon was had by all.


Susan Cook’s daughter Kathy enthralled our residents with her beautiful violin playing a real treat. Thank you, Kathy.

The Staff Christmas Performance was performed with great enthusiasm, gusto and much hilarity. All you need for a fun filled evening, which was enjoyed by residents and staff alike. A real treat!



A magical lights mystery tour! Out into the night we went in search of Christmas lights. A mini bus full of residents explored the streets of Fleet in search of the best Christmas lights.    They were not disappointed; many residents of Fleet illuminated their homes with many assorted lights with spectacular displays. Their hard work was very much appreciated by our residents.


Woodlands Christmas Lunch was a huge success. Beautiful decorated tables and delicious food as usual with an appearance of Father Christmas and his elf giving the residents a laugh and handing out presents. What great fun and lovely atmosphere.



Andrew Knight brought his own magic with his musical concert at Hill House.

The residents were delighted and enthralled with his endless energy and inclusion, drawing the residents into his world of imagination, involvement, enjoyment and passion of the music. What a truly enjoyable experience.



An outing to the Wyvern for a Christmas Drink where we always are assured of a warm welcome and the residents love it. Merry Christmas, Cheers!



Christmas Eve drinks in the lounge where many residents gathered to celebrate Christmas together.


To finish December there was a slightly early New Year’s Party to celebrate 2017 at Hill House and bring in 2018.


Woodlands would like to thank everyone who has helped and participated in our activities this year, the residents are very appreciative, so thank you. Happy New Year!