Octobers theme was “Season of Mist and Mellow Fruitfulness”. There was certainly no time to “Mellow” at Woodlands with a full packed activity schedule.
At Woodlands our residents enjoy relaxing with a good glass of wine to complement their lunch. Following feedback from the residents we decided to have a wine tasting afternoon to allow residents to sample a variety of wines and decide on their preferences. Residents had a great time sampling the wines and cheeses and decided on a delicious French Red and South African White.
Residents enjoyed the monthly visit from Nala the pet therapy dog. They delight in the opportunity to reminisce about their beloved pets and cuddle and stroke Nala.
Every Friday morning, we head out on a trip with some of our residents. This month we have visited “The Emporium” public house in Fleet for an early tipple with fellow residents from our other homes. The trip into Fleet also allows residents to do a bit of shopping in the town should they wish.
We also visited the “Wyvern” our local friendly pub. It is great to have the opportunity to relax in a friendly, peaceful environment away from the home and get to know our residents on a more personal level, their life experiences often leave us awestruck.
After extensive planning and risk assessing we boarded the bus with a bit of trepidation but also excitement for our first visit to “Tweseldown” playgroup. The children and staff were so inviting and everyone got stuck right in making playdough snowmen, the kids loved having our residents working with them and took great delight in their expressions when they decided to cut the resident’s snowmen’s heads off! Some of our ladies joined the children in some Autumn themed colouring and were even taught by 3-year olds how to play games on an iPad! Before saying our farewells, the residents were entertained with some beautiful nursery rhymes and everyone joined in for an active “Wheels on the bus”. The residents have continually said how much they enjoyed themselves and how wonderful the children were and are really looking forward to their next visit. We hope the kids enjoyed our company as much as we did theirs.
Residents have kept busy with group as well as individual activities daily. They have tested their skills at some golf putting, ball games and even a bit of basketball! The comradery between the residents is guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face.
One Friday afternoon the residents enjoyed the challenge of “Leather work”, lacing their own comb cases and coin purses. For some it proved a bit too challenging but our more able residents quickly stepped in to assist and some brilliant teamwork was displayed.
Throughout the month the residents have enjoyed individual colouring, puzzles and word searches.
Becky our chef has kept our residents involved and hands on with cooking, they have decorated some delicious cupcakes for afternoon tea and made some tempting, dipped and decorated giant marshmallow “Trick or Treat” treats, for the children for Halloween.
On Wednesday the 31st, Woodlands was decorated into a haunted den, complete with spiders, ghosts and skeletons. Residents waited expectantly for the arrival of friends and family adorned in Halloween outfits to receive their treat delights. The residents were entertained by some traditional apple bobbing whilst enjoying a few sneaky “Trick or Treat” delights themselves.