June at Woodlands has been wonderful. With the warm weather the residents have been out and about. Doing activities or just sitting and enjoying the garden.
Monday the 3rd of June for our Arts and Crafts Group the residents chose to have it outdoors in the beautiful gardens. This was followed by a cup of tea and biscuits. Lovely!
On the 4th we got moving with a balloon bounce and a bean bag game in the lounge.
In the afternoon we had a go at some little puzzles. They needed a steady hand to do!
Nev and Claire came to sing for us on the 5th. The have a beautiful tone and harmonies together.
On Thursday the 6th we had lots going on for our D Day Celebration. We had music and dancing.
We also had a visit from Manju and her soldier husband who chatted to the residents and read us a thought provoking poem.
On Friday the 7th we visited our friends at Hill House for a show by Nina and a natter and a catch up with our friends.
The 10th after the WRVS shop in the main lounge we had a game of Quoits.
Wednesday Aram set up at game of balloon bounce
Then after lunch we enjoyed a trip out to Redfields garden centre. There is so much to see and the huge indoor flower section smelt wonderful with all of the blooms.
On Thursday the 13th after Poem and Poetry Club, the Cake Club had a giggle while decorating cupcakes for us to have with our tea.
In the afternoon Peter got us all singing along while he played the piano for us. He is very talented.
Friday the 14th ,April visited with her ballerina’s. They were gorgeous, the little ones especially were very cute.
In the afternoon the Gardening Club put out the apple bird feeders that were bought on our trip to Redfields. We get a variety of birds in the garden and we are looking forward to seeing them at the feeders.
On Monday the 17th the day was warm and bright so we decided to have our crossword quiz in the garden.
In the afternoon we got the instruments out to sing and play along with Mike Burley.
The 18th, our word search this morning was based on Trooping of the Colour, Didn’t we do well!?
In the afternoon we had a trip out to the Tweseldown Pub. It is just up the road and one of our favourites to visit.
Thursday the 20th we had a little time for reflection and some fun with flying aeroplanes.
This week for cooking club we chose a savoury dish of mini pizza’s.
In the morning of the 21st we had a trip out to visit Hill House. Rodney performed for us. We had a great sing a long and some had a dance.
On Monday the 24th we attended Robert May Schools Annual Summer Tea Dance. The put on a lovely spread and the music was fabulous.
We spent some time in the garden again on Wednesday. The Gardening Club have done some seed planting, so we are looking forward to watching them come up over the next few weeks.
Thursday the 27th June we were off to the Woodlands and Hill Brows Annual NAPA Talent Show. Farnham Mill won this year but we thought all of our staff did amazingly well.