This week our theme was ‘Food Glorious Food!’ including everything from cookery reminiscence, lots of food based quizzes and word searches, to food themed arts and crafts as well as actual cookery itself.

On Monday morning 3rd. August we started the week energetically with our chair-based exercises following the British Gymnastics Federation ‘Love to Move’ programme for the elderly.

Margaret, Kath and Sylvia getting active!

Peter doing arm exercises.

We then enjoyed a reminiscence discussion all about food and cooking, recalling favourite foods we enjoyed and what our Mums cooked for us. Joyce recalled a ginger and orange trifle her Mum used to make that she made herself and it was always enjoyed!

Reminiscence is a very important tool in an Activity Coordinator’s box as research has proven that pathways in the brain form as a resident remembers the past. Other benefits are, an increased ability to communicate, the reestablishment of life meaning for a person through connection to the past and most important for mental well-being, increased self-worth and a sense of belonging in the world.

Favourite cake/biscuit reminiscence.

During the afternoon the food theme continued with a Foodie and ‘From the Menu’ team quiz with the ‘Dundees’ competing against ‘The Bananas’

Kath with rotary whisk picture.

We also did a quiz called ‘Then and Now’ where we discussed and recalled

Kitchen items from our past compared to today’s modern items.

Gill reminiscing about the preservation of eggs in ‘water-glass’

before the advent of fridges!

The eventual winners were the ‘Dundees’ with a creditable score of 36.5 compared to ‘The Bananas’ who scored 31, but the quiz and ensuing discussion was much enjoyed by both the ladies and gentlemen that participated. There were sweets for all afterwards as prizes.

On Tuesday 4th. August it was ‘International Italian Cuisine’ Day so we enjoyed an Italian themed day and Italian inspired lunch menu too.

We enjoyed an Italian quiz with landmark pictures for recognition and a balloon bounce.

The hairdresser also visited.

Muriel admired the Amalfi coastline picture.

Elwyn identified a lot of the famous Italian landmarks.

Kath has enjoyed numerous holidays in the past to Italy including visiting Venice.

Tess harvesting the lettuces for the green salad

for our Italian lunch!

(See the Menu to follow)

Len enjoying a glass of red with his Italian lunch!

During the afternoon continuing the Italian and food theme we enjoyed the Cookery Club where we successfully made 40 mini pizzas for a supper option.

Pizza makers Margaret, Sylvia and Kath!

Tess on toppings!

Hawaiian mini pizza made by Peter.

Pizza makers Diane, Peter and Tess with John observing –enjoying a cup of tea after making 40 mini pizzas!

On Wednesday 5th. August it was once again time for our chair-based exercises followed by a fruit and vegetable quiz and wordsearch in which we managed an amazing 151 words from the phrase: ‘Fruits/Vegetables’

Two very elegant ladies Muriel and Joan doing the arm exercises!

Mary really enjoys the exercises and always ends up giggling!

151 words!….Word searches are our forte!!

During the afternoon we enjoyed arts and crafts with a food theme making jewellery and our very own Van Gogh sunflowers from pasta.

Careful painting work by Arthur!

Kath, Peter and Len all busy painting!

Len enjoyed making a pasta sunflower.

Tess making pasta bead necklace!

Tess modelling her finished pretty necklace!

Arthur’s pasta sunflower!

Len and Peter’s finished pictures.

On Thursday 6th. August we enjoyed a balloon game before arranging 8 vases of flowers from the 4 bouquets delivered.

Ann enjoyed the balloon game.

Mary busy with the blooms!

Margaret proud of her finished vase!

Kath trimming the flowers for her vase.

Evelyn contemplating a pink arrangement.

Sylvia’s finished vase.

During the afternoon we enjoyed a food themed Memory game and Cookery quiz. As a team we successfully remembered 11 out of 13 items we handled and talked about.

Margaret with the watermelon – clue was ‘waterfruit’ as we learnt it contains as much as 92% water! This fact helped us remember it in our memory challenge.

Peter with the pineapple.

Kath staying hydrated! – It was an extremely warm afternoon too so we kept

cool with ice lollies.

On Friday 7th August it promised to be an even hotter so we did our exercises first thing

before it got too warm.

Tess doing leg exercises.

After this we had a quiz all about beer and drinks generally as Friday 7th. August was International Beer Day. To celebrate this, we had planned to open the ‘Woodlands Arms’ in a gazebo on a lawn in our lovely garden, however it was decided that it was just too hot to take us outside so the Woodlands Arms came to the dining room for the afternoon.

Here we enjoyed ice cold beers, Pimms and soft drinks/fruit juices as well as traditional pub snacks such as peanuts, twiglets and crisps. We also enjoyed three rounds of a pub quiz and some of us even played darts!

No room at the bar for Woodlands Arms pub quiz!

Ice cold Pimms, beers, soft drinks and pub snacks tempted the residents and kept them hydrated during an exceptionally hot afternoon.

Lillian, Kath and Diane enjoyed the Pimms!

Cheers Elwyn and George!

Cheers Len!

Ken playing darts.

Peter concentrating hard on his aim.

On Saturday 8th. August the beautician visited, we enjoyed a piano sing-a-long with Louis, ahead of the giant crossword in the afternoon.