We started the week with our monthly residents meeting, so we can get feedback from the residents.

Alison speaking to the residents during the monthly residents meeting.

Introducing our new staff Jyotika and Manisha

The residents being told that Dily’s is moving to Wales after 24 years’ service.

Kirsten doing a ‘Word Wheel’ quiz with the residents.

Beautiful smile Ann watched the quiz.

Diane, Len and Daphne participating
from the back of the room

Wednesday 21st. October was National Apple Day so the residents played the apple box game which they all like to participate, and then we had apple fresh fruit and juice tasting. We also learnt some fascinating facts about apples and had an apple themed quiz.

Here we have Elwyn score of 180 points well done

Beryl scored a healthy 170

Top score of the Day Peter with 220 points.

Iris in 2nd Place with a score of 200

Ray having a go, great score 150 points

Our weekly Thursday Physio Visit always popular look at our keen residents this morning.

Just getting warmed up by Rebecca

Here we have Ken, Joan, Kath, Pat, Tessa and Sylvia starting with the hand exercises.

Here we have Margaret, Peter, Ray, Ken and Joan with palms upward doing hand and arm exercises.

Hands up in the air Helga, Beatrice, Iris, Margaret and Peter.

All in sync great effort everyone

Ankle turning Patricia, Helga, Beatrice and Iris

During the afternoon we enjoyed flower arranging, colour therapy, individual Autumn crosswords and some started knitting poppies for Remembrance.

Here we are ready for our flowers to be arranged by these lovely ladies, Kath, Joan (almost hidden by the flowers!) Margaret and Pat.
Pat used to do a lot of flower arranging and even exhibited at RHS Chelsea.

Kath checking out the roses

Margaret putting the finishes touch to her vase

Lovely Flowers Joan

Iris enjoyed some colour therapy.

Kath and Pat knitting Poppies

Diane concentrating very hard
On Friday 23rd. October we enjoyed some ball games as well as the chair based exercises and Peter entertained us with some lively tunes on the piano!

Beatrice and Beryl enjoying the ball games.

Kath takes aim!

Len doing the arm exercises enthusiastically.

Peter played a few tunes which we always love!
During the afternoon we played quoits and then had a surprise leaving party and presentation for Dilys who has worked for Woodlands-Hillbrow Limited for 24 years (and is one of our longest serving employees) She is now moving back to home Wales where she was born.

Angela enjoyed the quoits game.

Beryl and Tess gave it their all!

Helga was the overall winner with an amazing 350 points!

Getting ready for Dilys’s send off!

Dilys with fellow Welshman Elwyn getting emotional!

Tess looking on as Dilys started opening her leaving present.

Joyce stood up and hugged Dilys in appreciation.

Dilys reading the framed poem the residents wrote in tribute to her.

The tears flowed!

So many leaving presents!

The poem as written by the residents…..
For Dilys
Dilys is a Darling,
In caring for us all every day,
Loved by everybody, even though she certainly likes things done her own way!
Young and old respect her, that much is surely true.
Steadfast and genuine by name, strong and supportive we give her our due.

We will all so miss her now…
After 24 years at Woodlands Home,
The time has come today for new pastures to roam!
Knowing this will all make us shed a tear
In all our hearts, we would prefer to have her near.
Now though, it’s farewell and goodbye to the Welsh mountains she must go with our very own ginger feline Sho-Sho in tow!
So finally now we send her off today with all the love, best wishes and thanks in the world that we may!
Good Bye and Good Luck Dilys!
On Saturday 24th. October we enjoyed our chair-based exercises as well as Louis playing the piano for us for a cheery sing-song. We then completed the Giant Crossword during the afternoon.

Beatrice, Kath and Elwyn doing the exercises.

Everyone enjoyed the music!

We also celebrated Kath’s Birthday.

On Sunday after another very busy week we enjoyed a relaxing day with the ever popular Woodlands hangman game and the weekly film club.