On Monday 16th. November it was best foot forward with the chair-based exercises with many willing participants this morning which was very gratifying!
Elwyn with almost balletic moves!
Muriel and Mary Rose had fun!
‘Air punching exercise’ with Margaret, Len and Kath
Touching our toes! – Kath, Beatrice, and Harry showing great effort!
Harry and Beryl.
Tess giving it 100% as usual!
On Monday we also enjoyed the ‘Coin a Phrase’ quiz and in the afternoon we sat down to the Word Wheel.
We managed 64 words from this mystery 9 letter word which Sylvia then correctly guessed as ‘Ammonites’ with just a small clue.
On Tuesday 17th. November it was time for the monthly Resident’s meeting where Alison updated us all on the current visiting protocol with regard to COVID-19, reminding us of the gazebo with its lovely heaters and fur rugs, blankets for outside visits as well as the opportunity for SKYPE calls on the TV indoors in Room 5. We also had a little taste of the plans for Christmas activities, acknowledging the fact of course that it will be a very different Christmas from normal, but that there will still be lots of seasonal activities to enjoy on the run up.
During the afternoon we enjoyed a skittles challenge.
On Wednesday 18th. November it was time again for our chair- based exercises followed by mental aerobics in the form of a memory quiz. Then in the afternoon we enjoyed Music Club featuring Frank Sinatra and the music of the Rat Pack. A number of us are big Frank Sinatra fans so this was right up our street! We learnt how the Rat Pack came about it’s key members and the classic songs that were their signature. The afternoon concluded with us watching a very interesting documentary about the legendary style of ‘Old Blue Eyes Himself!’
Beryl and Ray worked hard at the arm exercises!
Tess having fun during exercises with Jay Jay!
Proving exercises is fun!…..Sylvia, Pat, Iris and Margaret,
Helga and Mary.
Mary told me she loved Frank Sinatra and even kissed his picture!
Arthur with the Rat Pack outside the club they made famous ‘The Sands’ and Iris enjoying the Franks Sinatra music!
Brian was soon on his feet and dancing!
On Thursday 19th. November International Men’s day we enjoyed a lively balloon bounce game before a quiz all about Famous and Infamous Men. There were also the fresh flowers to be arranged.
Mollie had fun with the balloon!
Beatrice and Iris with the balloon.
Ray had fun!
During the afternoon the drinks trolley came out and the men were offered a beer and the ladies a wine if they wished whilst they enjoyed film club especially for the men ‘The Magnificent Seven!’
On Friday 20th. November it was World Children’s Day. We started with a warm up balloon bounce, followed by our chair-based exercises then learnt about World Children’s Day and the rights of all children in the world. This was followed by a word search in which we managed an amazing 118 words from the phrase Children’s Day.
Mary ‘air punching’ and Pat succeeding at one of the more challenging exercises!
118 words achieved during the word search!
During the afternoon reflecting World Children’s Day we reminisced, recalled and sang as many nursery rhymes we could think of and learnt some of their darker origins and historical backgrounds. We also enjoyed traditional sweets to eat at afternoon teatime as part of this reminiscence activity.
We were also delighted to receive some very colourful firework paintings from the reception pupils at Velmead Junior School. They painted these and sent them to us as spart of their Community Kindness Initiative. We thought it was lovely that they were thinking of us at this difficult time.
Beryl delighted with a painting from one of the pupils at Velmead.
Arthur was impressed with the children’s art.
Beatrice and Mary.
On Saturday 21st November following some great donations we had a change to the schedule and sorted and wound up all the wool we had received. Woodlands ladies are most grateful for all the wool so kindly donated following the recent appeal.
During the afternoon we celebrated World Television Day with a TV programme theme tune quiz where we had to identify 50 programmes from their music. It was a great reminiscence activity as we recalled programmes from yester year.
Kath and Beryl busy with wool!
Knitters, Sylvia and Pat!
Diane and Helga helping sort the wool.
Tess loved doing this and showed great patience!
Some of the 50 programmes we had to identify from their theme tune!
Margaret enjoyed the theme tune quiz!
Muriel was so very happy seeing her great grandchildren on Saturday during a window visit.
On Sunday 22nd. November we enjoyed Woodlands hangman with a TV programme theme and during the afternoon we completed the Giant Crossword.
We enjoyed a glass of wine and listened to Christmas music afterwards.
Busy concentrating on the Giant Crossword.
Beatrice also enjoyed working on her scrapbook and reminiscing.
She couldn’t believe how much she’s done since she moved to Woodlands.