On Monday 23rd. November we had tea and papers in the lounge before enjoying a Pamper morning whilst listening to relaxing music. During the afternoon we enjoyed Film Club.
On Tuesday 24th. November we enjoyed scrapbooking and then some music reminiscence singing, and dancing during the afternoon.

Joan and Dorothy danced.

Sylvia dancing with Dawn, with Ann in the background.

Beryl making music!

Joan was soon up and dancing with Sugar!

Dorothy with picture of the Monkies. We listened to music from the Sixties

We also enjoyed a ‘Countdown to Christmas’ discussion

Beryl and Pearl.
On Wednesday 25th. November we enjoyed the Giant Crossword and then during the afternoon we got creative and made some postcards of Kindness in Arts and Crafts.

Dorothy very pleased with her finished Postcard of Kindness

Geoff made a card, and Joan and Helen were very creative!

On Thursday 26th. November the hair dresser visited and we did some gentle exercises.
We also arranged the fresh flowers and during the afternoon reminisced about Christmas.

Joan looking lovely after seeing the hairdresser.

Denise the hairdresser busy at Hillbrow in her fabulous refitted hairdressing salon room.

Helen, Dorothy, Tony and Rod (with Pearl in the background) doing the exercises.

Beryl working hard at the exercises!

Tony and Rod tried some gentleman’s floristry!

Rod’s finished vase.

Christmas discussion.

Ron feeling festive.

Joan with an early Christmas card.
On Friday 27th. November we enjoyed word games followed by gentle exercises and then in the afternoon some music and dance.

Tony and Dorothy working hard during the exercises!

Beryl and Tony as Dawn demonstrates the arm exercises.

Joy enjoyed the exercises.

Joy also wanted to show Dawn (who at the time was on annual leave) the beautiful Birthday card she had received from her family.

Sylvia enjoying the Conga with staff during music and dance.

Rod learning the steps of the Cha, Cha, Cha

Sylvia loved the dancing!
On Saturday 28th. November we worked on our scrapbooks and reminisced during the afternoon. Then on Sunday 29th. November we enjoyed an afternoon film after tea and Sunday papers in the lounge.