On 24th. December Christmas Eve we enjoyed arranging 6 beautiful vases of festive flowers before finishing our big Christmas Quiz.
Elisabeth arranged a beautiful vase.
Diane busy with the blooms!
Angela did a course on flower arranging in the past.
Angela’s finished vase.
Beatrice arranged a huge vase!
Beatrice, Angela and Kath T. with all the finished flowers.
Lovely picture of Kath T. with the flowers.
During Christmas Eve afternoon Woodlands had a very special visitor Father Christmas himself! He visited and spoke to every resident and gave them a Christmas gift.
Father Christmas arrives at Woodlands!
Beryl and George with Father Christmas!
Evelyn and June with Father Christmas!
Harry and Kath M. meet Father Christmas!
Ray and Angela meet Father Christmas!
Patricia with Father Christmas.
We also enjoyed festive drinks – Evelyn looking lovely in festive jumper with snowball!
On December 25th. Christmas Day we enjoyed opening our presents, and Peter even played for us to celebrate the day.
Margaret enjoying Peter’s Christmas day music!
Beryl opening presents!
Elisabeth’s wish was to have some prayers read to her on Christmas Day as she has missed Mass due to COVID. Therefore on Christmas Day shown here is Angela reading a very special Prayer of Hope for 2020 for Elisabeth. Elisabeth was given a copy afterwards to keep.
Residents then enjoyed their Christmas dinner, before relaxing afterwards and watching the Queen’s Speech.
All ready for Christmas dinner!
George and Arthur pulling a cracker.
Patricia, Elisabeth, Helga and Len tucking in!
June and John at lunch.
Muriel pulls a cracker with Asmita as Ann, Ray, and Angela look on!
Kath T. Pat and Sylvia.
On December 26th. Boxing Day we enjoyed a social with the carers and a Boxing day film during the afternoon.
Then on December 27th. we had a relaxing morning with Christmas music and the Sunday papers before doing the giant crossword during the afternoon.