On Monday 1st. February we enjoyed a morning social with fellow residents and some pampering, followed by a film during the afternoon.

On Tuesday 2nd. February we marked National Story Telling Week with some of our own Story Writing , as well as reminiscing about our own favourite stories.

On Wednesday 3rd. February we enjoyed some energetic chair-based exercises as well as a balloon bounce and then during the afternoon we enjoyed colour therapy during arts and social.


Ann really enjoyed the balloon bounce!


Helen warmed to the game.

Pearl had fun!

Colin gets ready to tap the balloon back as others watch on.


Joy enjoyed it too!

Dorothy, Rod, Colin and Tony ‘winding wool’ during arm exercises.


Ann and Joan did very well during the exercises.

Colin got creative.


Tony concentrating hard on his picture.


On Thursday 4th. February we did our chair-based exercises and a lively balloon bounce, then in the afternoon a few rounds of Hillbrow hangman word game.

Dorothy enjoyed the punch balloon game.

Rod during the balloon bounce.

1:1 with Dorothy.

Joy, Ann and others during the Hangman game.

On Friday 5th. February we enjoyed some lively ball games and some poetry as part of ‘Read Aloud Day’ then during the after the ever popular ‘Discussion Box.’

Geoff played.

Tony enjoyed the game.


Dorothy had fun!


Ann larked about!

Tony and Dorothy read aloud to the residents.


Residents enjoyed the poetry activity.


On Saturday 6th. February we enjoyed scrapbooking during the morning and brainstorming quiz plus reminiscence about old forms of transport and computers during the afternoon.

Rod proudly shows off his wonderful scrapbook cover design.

Pearl loves looking at her scrapbook!

Joan with early steam driven car and Geoff with early word processor.


Dorothy with steam train and Tony with ‘bone shaker’ bicycle!



                                                                     Residents enjoyed expressing their choices/preferences/ careers during a group brainstorming activity.

On Sunday 8th. February we enjoyed a morning social followed by a film during the afternoon.