This week we celebrated all things Irish with St. Patrick’s day on Wednesday 17th. March.
Kath M, chooses a delicious St. Paddy’s day iced cupcake!
On Monday 15th. March we did our chair-based exercises and a ‘How Green Am I?’ quiz followed by St. Patrick’s arts and crafts during the afternoon.
Tess, Elwyn and Iris all working hard during the exercises!
Encouraging Beryl!
Tess starts work on a mosaic shamrock.
Pat and Kath T. work together.
Making a woolly abstract shamrock with Beatrice!
Pat and Kath ‘s very creative shamrock!
Beatrice and Elaine’s little shamrocks!
Making bunting!
On Tuesday 16th. March we enjoyed a lively balloon bounce and a word search based on the phrase ‘Erin Go Bragh!’ Ireland Forever.
Edith had a go!
Joan enjoyed the game!
We managed no less than 107 words!
During the afternoon ahead of World Poetry Day on Sunday we enjoyed Poetry Club where we listened to some classic poems and then brainstormed to write 3 unique ‘Quatrains’ see below:
A Cup of Tea!
First thing in the morning,
Last thing at night,
Best drink anytime of day
Keeps the nation going with all its might!
Always a nice warm feeling,
We’ve missed these like crazy since last year!
Can’t wait for a hug from our loved ones
It won’t be long now ‘til they’re here!
Mums’ Law
Wipe your feet and shut the door!
Mind your P’s and Q’s!
Don’t tell lies, or answer back,
Mum’s law was the rule!
Tess very pleased with her finished shamrock!
On Wednesday 17th. March it was St. Patrick’s Day, so we celebrated all things Irish!
We started with a green balloon bounce and exercises followed by an ’IRE’ words quiz.
St. Paddy’s Day exercises and Kath T with the balloon.
Sylvia, Pat, Diane, Beryl and Irene.
A very elegant Elaine!
St. Patrick’s Lunch Menu:
Traditional Irish Stew
Served with Crusty Bread
Baileys Bread n’ Butter Pudding
Afternoon Tea:
Guiness Shots, Irish Coffees
& St.Patrick’s Cupcakes
We enjoyed an Irish lunch of Irish stew with crusty bread followed by Baileys bread n’ butter pudding. In the afternoon we enjoyed a team quiz based upon fairytales and the ‘Leprechaun’ Team one by just one point!
Team Captains Arthur and Peter.
We enjoyed Guiness shots, delicious Irish coffees and St.Paddys cupcakes. We all received an Irish blessing and then enjoyed an Irish sing-a-long. The afternoon concluded by watching a performance by River Dance.
Kath T and Diane sample the cupcakes.
Kath M.
Our lovely Irish lady Mary!
Beatrice has a Guiness shot, whilst Diane enjoyed an Irish coffee!
2 lovely Irish ladies, Irene and Mary! – Evelyn with Irish coffee and her blessing.
Mary who was made up to receive an Irish blessing!
On Thursday 18th. March we had our weekly physiotherapy session with Rebecca and then enjoyed flower arranging during the afternoon.
Pat, Elaine, Kath M and Mary all busy with the flowers!
Iris with volunteer Margaret as Kath M and Mary watch on.
Kath M and Elaine (just fresh back from having her hair done!)
On Friday 19th. February we started the morning energetically with our chair-based exercises and Diane (complete with red nose for Red Nose Day ) demonstrated some leg exercises to her fellow residents!
Tess also demonstrated a couple of the exercises she enjoys!
Len and Peter were energetic!
We also enjoyed a ’Red’ themed quiz as it was Red Nose Day. It was a lovely bright Spring morning so we made the most of it with a lovely walk in the garden before lunch.
Elaine, Tess, Pat, Kath T, Beatrice, Len and Sylvia.
Tess admired the camellias now out in bloom!
During the afternoon some of us started work on making Easter bonnets in arts and crafts.
Pat painting eggs for her bonnet.
Kath finishes and models her bonnet!
Kath M puts the finishing touches to her pretty pink creation!
Diane embellishing her bonnet.
On Saturday 20th. March we enjoyed a short programme of exercises, plus a balloon bounce before Louis entertained us with a piano sing-a-long. Then in the afternoon we sat down to the Giant Crossword.
Edith doing the hand exercises so well!
Peter and Sylvia reach high for the balloon!
Irene, Beatrice and Beryl (just back from the hairdressers) enjoying the sing-a-long.
The Giant Crossword always enjoyed by the residents!
On Sunday 21st. March World Poetry day we enjoyed hearing our quatrains again as well as some seasonal Spring poetry in celebration. We also enjoyed a little gentle exercise (not too energetic as it was Sunday!) and then an interesting garden quiz.
Beryl and Diane doing some gentle exercises.
Gardening Quiz answers.
Following a delicious Sunday roast some of us then enjoyed a stroll the garden in the bright Spring sunshine. We admired the many flowers already in bloom. In the first gardening Club of the year we also tidied up the raised bed ready for this years’ planting.
Len, Elwyn, Irene and Elaine enjoying the patio in the sunshine.
Sunday Spring stroll.
Irene and Elaine .
Elwyn and Len.
Len and Irene enjoyed the garden.
Sylvia and Tess digging over the raised bed.
Sylvia sweeping up.