Easter Week

On Monday 29TH. March we made the most of the lovely Spring sunshine with tea in the garden.

Rod enjoys the sunshine in the garden.

Firstly though we did  our chair-based exercises.

Dorothy, Daphne, Tony and Jeff do the arm exercises.

Ann, Jenny, Rod, and Joy worked hard at the exercises!

Tony and Helen look at that lovely blue sky!

Jeff in sunhat!

Jeff, Ann and Joy in the background.

Sheila enjoying the sunshine!

Time for tea in the garden!

On Tuesday 30th. March it was time for our gentle exercises again, and once again the lovely Spring sunshine meant we were able retire  to the garden again after lunch and enjoyed Poetry Club.

Daphne, Helen, and Tony were energetic!

Touch the toes!

Rod, Jenny, Dorothy and Ann enjoy the warm Spring sunshine as they listened to poetry.

Jeff, Rod and Joy.

Sheila and Ann.

Everyone enjoyed being out in the fresh air!

On Wednesday 31st. March we did our gentle exercises and some scrap booking, then during the afternoon we were busy finishing our Easter bonnets during Arts and Social.

Jenny, Joy, Ann and Daphne with Dawn busy milliners!

The bonnets take shape!

Daphne and Ann  looking lovely in their finished bonnets!

On Thursday 1st. April Rebecca visited us for our weekly physiotherapy session and we arranged the fresh flowers.

Ann, Dorothy, Sheila, Rod and Tony our Hill brow florists on this occasion!

New Beginnings

Hillbrow staff and residents embraced New Beginnings during the afternoon and reflected upon the events of the last year. Staff all wore yellow to reflect the yellow of our sunflower ethos approach to care.  From moving speeches from Laura our HR Manager and the Homes Manager Bev to receiving a yellow rose of remembrance and releasing balloons the afternoon was one of love, care, respect and dignity for our whole Woodlands family. Residents enjoyed children in song and poetry as well as singing themselves and then went out into our lovely garden to see the release of the balloons and the planting of a beautiful cherry tree.

Residents and staff listen as Laura addresses them.

Rejoice gives Sylvia a yellow rose of Remembrance.

Ann with her rose.

Sheila and Mary in the garden.

Jenny, Ann, Mary and Joy.

Sheila, Mary and Joy.

Laura and Bev plant the beautiful cherry tree….

As the residents watched on.

On Good Friday 2nd. April Tony’s family enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the garden as residents watched on and later the residents enjoyed wearing their Easter bonnets for the parade and judging by Jo our Director of Care. They also  enjoyed an easter quiz.

The Clayton family Easter egg hunt at Hillbrow.

Dorothy looking resplendent in her bonnet!

Sheila watches the young Easter egg hunters!

Ann in her bonnet.

Jeff and Mary.

Sheila and Joy.

Jo with Jeff and Dorothy.

Jo awards chocolate prizes to the Bonnet winners.

On Saturday 3rd. April, we enjoyed a quiz and Yellow themed Easter raffle where everyone won a prize!

Daphne won a fabulous egg!

Jenny won a ‘Pooh’ bear and Sheila relaxing in the garden.

On Sunday 4th. April we enjoyed an Easter Sunday morning social with the carers and then watched an Easter Sunday film during the afternoon.