On Monday 19th. April we enjoyed chair-based exercises followed by a pamper morning with care staff. During the afternoon we enjoyed Film Club.


On Tuesday 20th. April we sat down to the Giant Crossword and also enjoyed a flower, vegetable and gardening discussion.

Ann and Dorothy show off the finished crossword!


Tony is very good at all word-based activities!


Joy enjoys Gardeners World.


Flowers, vegetable and gardens reminiscence.


Ann enjoyed reading a garden magazine too!


On Wednesday 20th. April we energetically did our chair-based exercises and an ‘A’ is for April’ quiz. Some of us also enjoyed 1:1 chats in our rooms with Dawn.

Ann and Pat were brilliant!


Daphne and Tony were also good participants!


Ann enjoyed the exercises so much she thanked me for them afterwards!


Ian enjoyed a chat in his room with Dawn.


Pat M. applying perfume as she talked to Dawn.


Bessy enjoyed Mary Hopkin singing ‘Those Were the Days!’


During the afternoon residents welcomed our lovely pigs for an afternoon of pig racing, fun and a few flutters for those that wished!

Getting ready for the Pig Derby!


…..And they’re off!


Cuddles between races for Ann and Sheila!


Daphne backed a winner and won a wad of ‘Pig Pound’ notes!


Sheila held hands with Joan who was animated at the pigs!


Ann couldn’t stop giggling at their mechanical snorts!


Tony was a big winner with £20 of ‘Pig pounds!’


On Thursday 22nd. April Rebecca visited us for our weekly physiotherapy session and we arranged the fresh flowers delivered that morning.


During the afternoon we enjoyed a very special pet therapy experience when Jade from Hill House very kindly brought in her 2 lovely rabbits Bessie and Tatty. We all loved petting them!

Joy loved the bunny!

Daphne and Ann with a furry friend!


Tony and Rod meet the bunnies!


Pearl and Joan.



On Friday 23rd. April St. Georges Day we learnt a little of the history of St. George and did our chair-based exercises. During the afternoon we enjoyed a quiz for St. George’s Day in which we managed a very creditable 100 words from ‘St. George’s Day.’


On Saturday 24th. April we enjoyed cookery club and word games during the afternoon.


On Sunday 25th. April on a glorious sunny Spring day we went out and enjoyed the fresh air and Spring blooms in our lovely garden.

Rod, Pat and Elizabeth walking out on a fine Sunday morning.


Rod and Pat enjoyed a leafy corner.


Soaking up the sunshine in the lovely garden at Hillbrow.