All our residents are so happy when Ruby comes to visit. Everyone loves a kitten.
We spent the afternoon making cakes ready for our Halloween party. They were so delicious unfortunately they were all eaten before the party.
We love to start the morning with our exercises, music and movement today.
Tuesday afternoon we spent doing a quiz on halloween.
Thank you to our care partner for bringing the Cat.
We all had a great afternoon of arts, crafts and pumpkin carving.
We all enjoyed the short stories, that we all got to read aloud to the other residents. This leads to lots of stimulating conversation.
Flower arranging at Hillbrow is always a favourite. The flowers are then placed around the home for all to enjoy.
Physio on a Thursday morning, a great way to start the day. The lovely Rebecca helps us keep our joints supple.
We managed to get a glimmer of sunshine and made the most of it. It still have a bit of warmth to it.
Saturday was a day we will all remember; our Halloween Party was amazing.
Everyone that guessed the ghost won a prize!
No one could guess….