The Christmas has officially arrived at Woodlands. We have all had been waiting for this time of the year as the whole month is full of celebrations.
We started our week with arts and crafts. The residents enjoy playing with colours and just enjoyed being creative. Arts and crafts is a great therapy for everyone.
It’s Pizza time!!!
In our cooking club we made delicious pizza’s. This is always a favourite and the residents enjoyed them as part of their supper.
David one of our volunteers did a game of crossword. We try to maintain a good balance of physical and mental games to keep our minds and bodies active at Woodlands. Obviously, the Christmas tree, decorations and the picture on tv made the environment cosy.
The lovely Lucy (the entertainer) performed a wonderful selection of Christmas songs. The residents sang and danced along with her. This helped us all feel very festive.
One of the most popular activities in Woodlands is chair-based exercise. The residents themselves ask us to do exercises with them on top of our regular daily sessions, as they find it very useful and how much of a difference it makes in their daily life. We have our wonder physiotherapist Becky once a week who really puts us through our paces.
As every Thursday the residents helped with flower arranging. These are placed around the home for everyone to enjoy.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells”
Natasha (the entertainer) put a smile on our residents faces once again. She is always very energetic and perform with her whole heart.
The residents could not stop themselves from dancing.
We had a delicious Christmas buffet lunch together. There were varieties of food to choose from. The table was left with empty plates and full bellies.
The Father Christmas finally made his way to Woodlands. Many interesting and useful presents were given. We all got beautiful smiles from our residents in return.