Useful Links

Suggested sites to visit when looking for a care home or advice in looking after the elderly.

Advice on how to go about finding a care home or financial planning for care fees is listed below.  There are many websites offering  these services, so we have simply listed a few to get you going.  Click on the links below.


5 Ways How Residential Care Homes Can Improve Quality of Life

View 5 tips here


Woodlands and Hill Brow

Residential care homes


Hill House Nursing and Dementia Home

Providing Support For Dementia Patients and The Elderly


Farnham Mill Nursing Home

Our new home in Farnham



Eldercare offers two core services – qualified financial advice to those looking for solutions to meeting on-going care costs, provided through the team at Eldercare Solutions, whilst Eldercare Property Partners can assist with all aspects of selling a property to move into care.

A site to visit when looking for a care home.


Care Aware

Advice on all matters to do with caring for the elderly at


The Alzheimers Society

They offer all kinds of support and advice on Alzheimers disease


Hampshire Care Association

They support and advise care homes in Hampshire as well as offering advice to those looking for a care home


RNHA – Registered Nursing Home Association

They support and advise care homes as well as offering advice to those looking for a care home