Woodlands just had a lovey week, full of interesting activities. We had an entertainer, an afternoon tea party, birthday celebrations, interesting arts and crafts, chair-based exercise and so much more.

We started our week with our chair-based exercises. We are having more residents join us for chair-based exercise as they encourage each other to join in. They find it very helpful and relaxing.

We spent rest of the morning doing a game of word search. We believe our activities should a good mix of both physical activities and some intellectual activities.

As we haven’t had any snow this year, our wish of making snow man has not been fulfilled, so we made snow man using cottons instead. It is nowhere close to a real snow man but the residents had good laugh while making them and that’s what matters the most.

We had one of our care partners do quiz round with the residents on the Tuesday afternoon. We appreciate the help provided by our care partners and are always grateful and thankful.

On Wednesday morning, we had pet therapy for the residents. One of our staff members brought in her very friendly dog. It brightened our day as always.

We had Terry (an entertainer) sing lovely 50’s -80’s songs for us. The residents joined for sing along and also jumped on the dance floor, as they just enjoyed the music. The staff could not keep away from the dance floor either.

The residents love to get their feet soaked and massaged. So, on the Wednesday morning, I soaked their feet on a bucket full of warm water and fragrance oil, massaged their feet and having a good chat throughout the process. We also did finger nails.

A game of hangman by one of our care partners.

Having fruits is a very good way to keep ourselves hydrated along with drinking plenty of fluids.
We did a fruit trolley full of refreshing fruit along with a glass of banana and mango smoothie. The residents enjoyed these after lunch while watching tv.

As every Thursday the residents have an exercise session with the physiotherapist. It all helps to keep the residents physically active and strong.

The residents enjoyed putting together some lovely displays with our weekly delivery of fresh flowers to be displayed around the home.
The residents spent their Friday morning doing jigsaw puzzles. They worked in a group and helped each other.

On Friday afternoon, we celebrated the birthday of one of our residents. We surprised him with a cake and he was very happy and appreciative. After the birthday celebration we had afternoon tea party followed by games of dominoes and cards.

As every Saturday Louis played piano and the residents joined in for a sing along.

The residents spent their Saturday afternoon trying some exotic fruits while reading books.

Our Sunday was spent doing all sorts of physical activities. We played many games and enjoyed socialising with each other.