Last week we had a very April weather. We had snow, sleet, rain and sunshine all in one day. Since, it was freezing cold outside, we spent our days inside. We did not miss out on the fun activities. We did cooking, celebrated birthday’s, held a tea party and did many other interesting activities.

On Monday morning we had booster jabs, and are now more protected from the virus.
In the afternoon, we enjoyed a giant crossword game that was done by one of our care partners. Most of our residents contributed in the game and made it interesting.

After the game of crossword, we played Quoits. All of our residents had a go and they absolutely loved it.

On Tuesday, we talked about our favourite movies and movie artists. We reminisced going to the theatre in our good old days.
The residents also had their nails done in our fabulous salon. The interior of our salon makes the residents want to be there for a pamper session.

On Wednesday morning, a game of hangman was done by one of our care partners. Like the other week, he brought words in a piece of paper and said he had been collecting words for hangman for a week now. That is the dedication we provide in making our residents enjoy the activities and feel involved.

In the afternoon, we made delicious pizzas, that we had towards our supper. The residents enjoy our weekly cooking club. We have made brownies, pizzas,
Christmas pudding, rocky road, flapjacks and many more delicious foods in our cooking club and we will continue to make many more.

On the same day, we celebrated 99th birthday of one of our residents. We all gathered and wished her very happy birthday and sang the birthday song. She was
surprised and was pleased that we all came together on her birthday. The residents shared the cake and had it with their afternoon tea.

On Thursday morning, the residents joined in for chair-based exercises with our physiotherapist, we all need to remain mobile.

After finishing with their exercises, some of our residents felt like a relaxing afternoon, and joined in with the flower arranging.

On Friday, the residents joined in for a tea party.
We had cakes and tarts with our tea and had a sing along. The residents love to sing the old time war songs.

On Saturday morning, we did chair based exercises. We follow the exercises which are also done by the physiotherapist every week. The residents join in for
exercises happily and also encourage other residents to join in.

As every Saturday, Louis plays piano wonderfully and our residents enjoyed the sing along.

In the afternoon, some of our residents did jigsaws and dominoes while the others watched Mr Bean on the television and had a good chuckle.

On Sunday, we had cheese and wine tasting. The residents enjoyed different types of cheese and crackers while also reminiscing about their lives.
We also gathered, to celebrate birthday 101st of one of our residents. She chose not to have a fuss and wanted a quiet celebration.